Warranty & RMA

1. Warranty Policy

Eagle Touch warranty is limited to one year from the date of delivery to the customer. Any defective products discovered throughout that period will be fixed or replaced at no cost.
Custom items, OEM products, and third-party products will be implemented in accordance with the terms established by the manufacturers.
Note: the standard touch screen warranty does not cover defects in materials or workmanship that occur during regular wear and tear, natural phenomena such as (fire disaster, lightning, etc.), or damage caused by usage, abuse, carelessness, alteration, or modification.

2. Responsibilities And Obligations

I. Eagle Touch is not liable for any damage or loss caused by accident as a result of failing to follow the terms specified or implied in the Touch Screen Warranty policy.

II. Eagle Touch is not accountable for any type of damage, including accidental, special, derivative, or similar damage or profit loss. Other third-party contractual claims made against the client, whether contractual or otherwise, do not assume responsibility for Eagle Touch.

III. Eagle Touch disclaims all other touch screen warranty conditions or assertions, express, implied, or otherwise, that are not mentioned here.

IV. Exclusive conditions while the Eagle Touch warranty is in effect.

3. DOA (Dead-On-Arrival)

Customers must contact Eagle Touch’s RMA department for technical support or a replacement for any DOA products within 30 days, starting with the delivery date.

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